An evaluation of the effectiveness of operative hysteroscopy in the female sterility treatment
Mariusz Zimmer Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology Department
Wroclaw Medical University
Wybrzeze L. Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wroclaw
The Research carried out under a grant: No PBZ-MEiN-8/2/2006 task
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment in infertile women with uterine cavity pathologies.
Materials and Methods: In years 2007- 2010 in Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology 3277 diagnostic hysteroscopies were carried out. In this group, 259 women were treated because of infertility.
Among the patients diagnosed with sterility the first group included 187 women with primary sterility, the second group- 42 with secondary sterility, the third group- 30 women with infertility.
In the 1st group- in 12 cases submucosal myomas were diagnosed, in 18 cases polyps, in 3 cases intrauterine septum, in 2 cases intrauterine adhesions and in 13 cases other congenital pathology of uterine.
In the 2nd group- in 2 cases myomas, in 4 cases polyps, in 1 case a hypoplastic uterus and in 1 case an arcuate uterus.
In the 3rd group- in 3 cases a septum was observed, in 5 cases - intrauterine adhesions, in 9 - other congenital pathology. Diagnosed changes were removed histeroscopically at those who gave the consent for operation.
Results: In each group the percentage of pregnancies was evaluated. In the 1st group- 5 women got pregnant after removal of the myomas and 8 after removal of polyps. After resection of uterine septum, pregnancy has not been found. After removal adhesions all the women became pregnant .In the 2nd group- after removal of myomas and polyps, all the women become pregnant and carried gestation to term.In the 3rd group- 3 women after uterine septum resection and 3 after adhesions removal carried gestation to term.
Conclusions: Hysteroscopy is a gold standard in diagnostics and treatment of uterine factor of infertility. The greatest success of a therapy is observed, in the group of secondary sterility after removing acquired changes of uterine cavity.